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lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015

Brazil and South America

It is our neighbor and partner. It is therefore essential to know every day a little more intimately, as they seem to be interested in shaking some links with us and the rest of our Spanish-speaking America. 

After the IMF (December 2011) issue Brazil climbed to sixth in the Brazilian Finance Minister said that before 2015, Brazil, (chaired at the moment by President Dilma Rousseff) will move to France from fifth place among the economies of world. However many Brazilian geopolitical analysts argue that although the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in Brazil actually still growing, the country is still far in the table of human development, especially in terms of poverty and economic inequality.
The guidelines of the geopolitics of our partner lines are well marked: institutional role in the UN as an expression of political and economic power of the country with global reach. So looking leagues around the globe that will open the gate for a permanent seat in the Security Council selected. France, for example, already supported in achieving that goal. South American Defense. He knows that in a joint South American defense will have the strength you need to preserve the dominance of Amazon and maritime riches cuantiosísimas in equal proportion to the colossal length of coasts. Already provides confrontations by shortages of food, water and energy by 2040.
Working links with neighboring Africa , competing in the emerging scenario with France, USA and China, knowing that it is a prodigious market in the medium term. Technology transfer, as actual rich irreplaceable to add value to the work tool, and only genuine way. So bluntly says no to Washington when it seeks to sell fighter jets without this transfer, unlike the French Rafaele. Supports Argentina in its claim of sovereignty including not only the Falklands, but Georgia and Sandwich not wanting extra-rivals in the South Atlantic and because, associated with Argentina and Chile, look to Antarctica. In short, seeks to consolidate the South American Union because he did not shrink from the challenge of having to give up something to gain a strategic objective which is summarized in one word: power. You better partner with South America, which rivaled.
Brazil has a key geopolitical: knowing what is sought and laborarlo long term subtracted from the zigzags of circumstantial political shifts.
Influence in South America
The Brazilian State runs an ambitious plan for energy expansion in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) in order to meet growing industrial demand.Eletrobras plans to build dams in at least seven countries in the region, Petrobras encourage ethanol production, the government militarized oil fields and energy sources in the Amazon and the sea, and coordinated by the South American Council of Infrastructure and Planning Unasur relaunch the " IIRSA the XXI century ".
The energy integration agreement Peru-Brazil signed by former presidents Lula da Silva and Alan García in 2009 will install the Inambari, Pakitzapango, Tambo 40, 60 and Mainique hydroelectric Tambo rivers in Peru. The construction of six plants with potential to generate 6,000 MW is in charge of Eletrobras.

Eletrobras began negotiations for the construction of dams in French Guyana (1,500 MW) and is mapping the total hydropower potential of the country. It also assesses the hydroelectric Cachuela Esperanza in Bolivia with 800 MW of capacity. Brazil and Argentina provide binational install two plants in the Uruguay River, which produce 2000 MW.

Brazil participates in the construction of the plant Tumarín in Nicaragua, a mega project valued at more than $ 800 million, awarded to the consortium Queiroz Galvão-Eletrobras-Astaldi. In Costa Rica, Eletrobras and Sinohydro dispute hydroelectric project in the Reventazón River, on the border between Siquirres and Turrialba, valued at one billion dollars. On the other hand, the construction company Odebrecht run the Palomino hydroelectric project in Dominican Republic, and plans to build a large dam on the Rufiji River Basin in Tanzania, a country located in East Africa.
IIRSA is a plan to build infrastructure in South America
With them private companies may remove and transport natural resources and commodities
With information from IIRSA
The 12 ministers of UNASUR Planning approved in late 2011 in Brasilia the new integration plan 2012-2022 which includes waterways, railways and roads. The four priority projects are rail corridor between the ports of Paranagua (Brazil) and Antofagasta (Chile) at a cost of 3,700 million; the Caracas-Bogotá-Buenaventura-Quito-Pacific road valued at 3,350 million; Santos-Arica railroad bioceanic Bolivian stretch will cost 3,100 million; and Callao-La Oroya-Pucallpa 2,500 million. road

All these works are part of the portfolio of ancient Initiative for Regional Integration in South America (IIRSA), but those responsible for the Cosiplan swear that the approach is different. Instead of "export corridors inputs" to outside the subcontinent, be privileged "internal development" of the region, says Brazil, the main beneficiary of the "development".
The BNDES "has made ​​it known as financier of large infrastructure projects in Latin America (conditional on the participation of Brazilian construction or purchase of goods and services) through what we do in favor of Brazilian exports," said the Luciane AFP Machado, superintendent of foreign trade bank.

Former President Lula da Silva personally negotiated contracts for construction of hydroelectric power in Venezuela and Colombia; great works as the Caracas metro and ports, highways, dams and petrochemical in Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua and Peru.

With such support, the Brazilian construction activities in LAC and Africa experienced a growth of 544% over the last 10 years. Currently, Odebrecht, Andrade Gutierrez, Queiroz Galvão, OAS and Camargo Corrêa built in at least 16 countries in Latin America. Odebrecht has done engineering in some 20 countries and is present in Angola, Mozambique and Liberia.

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