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lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015

Approach to Oil and Gas Situation in Latin American Countries

The possibilities of using oil as an instrument of power in the relationship with other nations in the region are facilitated if the offer is highly concentrated in one or a few large suppliers and a variety of countries that produce zero or no oil and, therefore, they are dependent on foreign suppliers.

Latin America does not favor a scheme as above for several reasons. First, because without Central America and the Caribbean is a region rich in energy.  has 20%  of global conventional oil reserves, compared to 2.5% in North America (excluding Mexico), 8.9% from Africa, 8% Eastern Europe, 4.2% Asian and 1, 6% in Western Europe. The gas situation is less satisfactory, since it has only 4% of the world's proven reserves, but also their consumption levels are also below that figure.

Second, in terms of supply and demand for oil and gas, the area has a variety of situations.Without reaching the enormity of the reserves of Venezuela are also oil exporters Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador and Trinidad and Tobago. Argentina and Bolivia produce enough to cover much of its domestic market. Peru and Brazil are in a slightly different situation then routed to feed itself, which tends to change the energy map of the region. Thus, the list of net oil importers in South America comprises Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay and Central America and the Caribbean to all Central American and Caribbean nations except aforementioned Trinidad and Tobago. In this area, only Cuba and Guatemala produce oil, but in quantities that do not meet domestic demand.

Oil-exporting countries

Venezuela has 298 billion bbl representing 18% of world oil reserves. PDVSA produces between 2.1 and 2.3 MBD. Gas reserves associated with oil 194 TCF

Ecuador has 6.99 billion Bbl 0.4% of world oil reserves. Ecuador has Petroecuador, a state company which is the leading company in the country. Its operation is criticized for its low levels of efficiency and production has been falling over the last ten years. Gas reserves associated with oil 0.25 TCF

Colombia has 2.445 billion Bbl 0.1% of world oil reserves. Exports oil in significant quantities.Has an abundance of gas that will supply seven years western Venezuela. It has huge coal reserves of high quality and has abundant water resources, along with the gas, allow it to be a significant player in energy integration programs especially in Mesoamerica. Gas reserves associated with oil 6 TCF
Mexico, along with Venezuela, concentrated the bulk of available reserves in Latin America.Mexico represents 0.7% of them worldwide and exploits the resource intensely as though the percentage of indicated reserves, produces 5% of world supply; Venezuela, however, with 18% of reserves, contributes 3.9% of production. Since the Mexican domestic consumption is high, its crude exports are barely more than half of those of Venezuela, representing between 1993 and 2003, 9.3% of total exports.


Countries that are auto oil supply

Argentina   Bbl 2.505 billion represents 0.1% of world oil reserves.

In terms of gas in the mid-90s Argentina was considered a country with a large surplus of gas for export. A decade later considered close to being a net importer of gas; however, this last statement is made ​​on the assumption that investment in exploration remains frozen. Conventional Gas Reserve 10 TCF. There is a potential of 774 TCF of unconventional gas
Bolivia   Bbl has 211,450,000 0.01% of world oil reserves. A production of liquid hydrocarbons in 2014 amounted to 72% of its consumption, which forces you to import crude significant. With a 9.75 TCF gas reserves and annual average production of 0.76 TCF committed for sale 0.21 TCF to Argentina, Brazil and 0.41TCF domestic use 0.14 TCF.

Evolución de las Perforación en Bolivia
Potencial Hidrocarburifero de Bolivia

Oil-importing countries

Brazil   has 0.7% of world oil reserves. It is the largest importer of oil in the region, these cover only a quarter of its consumption; the other three quarters are produced domestically. In natural gas Brazil produces two thirds of its consumption, importing the rest from Bolivia. In terms of coal, Brazil has the largest proven reserves in South America, almost doubling those of Colombia, which are the next largest. It is also the world leader in the production of ethanol, which along with the US produces 70% of this fuel.

However, the interesting thing about Brazil is not its relative energy deficit, but the aggressive policy which has driven in development of Petrobras, the significant increase in investments and increased its production of oil and gas, ethanol and coal also in terms such that their results are changing geopolitics of energy in the region. Conventional Gas Reserve 14 TCF

Chile. It has Bbl 150,000,000 0.01% of world oil reserves. Its energy deficit is beyond doubt because it produces 4.3 MBD no more than 3% of the oil it consumes 238 MBD and a portion of natural gas that does not exceed 20%

Peru. It has 930 million Bbl 0.06% of world oil reserves. In 2014 produced 74% of the oil consumed, the remaining 26% imports.
Peru's energy situation has improved considerably since the discovery in 1984 of the deposits of natural gas from Camisea, where production began in 2005. The proven natural gas reserves are 4.7 times the reserves of crude oil .
Paraguay   does not produce oil. If we consider hydroelectric production, Paraguay however demands certain unavoidable oil is energy independent, consuming an amount of energy that is well below hydroelectric capacity available to the country from Itaipu (Brazil-Paraguay Agreement) and Yacyretá (Argentina-Paraguay Agreement). There is a potential of 62 TCF of unconventional gas

Uruguay   does not produce oil. There is a potential of 21 TCF of unconventional gas

Central America and the Caribbean.   In this area the situation is very different from South America. If we exclude Mexico, Venezuela and Colombia, as part of the Caribbean basin and are oil exporters to which we have already alluded, the only oil exporting country is Trinidad and Tobago. All of the others have oil reserves, with the exception of Cuba and Guatemala, however, are net importers.

Reservations Conventional and Unconventional Gas

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